Quartz Meditation

One of the most commonly asked questions by our customers. Meditation is one of the main usage of crystals. By using the healing properties of crystals, we can activate our chakras and achieve greater results. In this post, I will give a run through of a meditation technique as well as some crystal meditation tips straight from our Crystal Guru.

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Crystals As A Birthday Gift – Birthstones

Crystals are the Perfect Gifts

Whether you are looking a personalized gift for that special person in your life or a birthday gift for a close friend, crystals are the perfect answer for these occasions. Each of our crystal has a deep meaning attached to it such as patience, kindness and prosperity etc. and these meanings give a personal touch to any potential gift-giving occasion. We will examine a special set of crystals known as Birthstones and how they can help you craft a personal gift for your recipient.

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